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The Amazing Spiderman Gummies
Model No: 14277 02A
Manufacturer: Sundown, Inc.

(Based on 1 reviews)
Avg. Price: $13
Reviews: 1 - 1 of 1   View as Outline Post Review
Great for adults that have trouble swallowing.
Oct 26, 2008 4:37 pm

Joined: Oct 24, 2008
Points: 735

My partner has a throat condition that makes it hard for her to swallow large pills, such as multi-vitamins. Our family doctor suggested she try chewable vitamins intended for children and just up the dosage to get her recommended daily allowance. These were the only brand at Target that we could find that did not contain gelatin (we are vegetarians). They are great and she loves them. She eats three gummies a day at lunch and says they are like candy. I would suggest these to any person who does not like or is unable to swallow pills.

Date Purchased: 06/08
Price Paid: $13
Recommend: Yes
taste great, vegetarian, easy to eat

not as high in vitamins and minerals and adult blends, sugar

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